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It means according to one explanation or view, or to a certain extent.

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Q: What is the meaning of the idiom in the sense that?
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Is 'she felt a bit under the weather' an idiom?

Yes it is an idiom because the literal meaning doesn't make sense.

Is the word 'feeling' an idiom?

No, the word "feeling" is not an idiom. It is a noun that refers to an emotional state or perception of a situation.

Is sticking out her neck an idiom?

Yes, "sticking out her neck" is an idiom that means taking a risk or putting oneself in a vulnerable position to help others or achieve a goal. It implies being bold or brave in the face of potential consequences.

How do you identify an idiom?

An idiom is a phrase that appears to make sense, but actually has another meaning. If the sentence makes sense, but seems to mean something besides what it looks like, then it is an idiom. "Frank kicked the bucket" makes perfect sense, and when you realize that it means "Frank died," you have two different meanings.

What is the meaning of the idiom get a nerve from a can?

nerve from a can, nerve from a bottle: to gain a false sense of courage by drinking alcohol

What does the idiom 'no end' mean?

It's not an idiom. Idioms make no sense unless you know the meaning already. "No end" means just what it looks like -- something is endless.

Is quietly loud an idiom?

No, "quietly loud" is not an idiom. As individual words, "quietly" and "loud" have opposite meanings. However, when used together, they may imply a sense of contradiction or irony.

Is sit there and cry until he was blue in the face an idiom?

Does the literal meaning make no sense? Then it's an idiom. Have you ever seen anyone really have a blue face? Nope.

What is idiom misuse?

An idiom misuse is to use and idiom in a wrong way that doesn't make sense.

What is the meaning of the idiom Loud of your mind?

"Loud of your mind" is not a common idiom. It likely stems from a misunderstanding or misuse of the idiom "out of your mind," which means to be crazy or irrational.

What is the idiom meaning of to be?

"To be" is not an idiom - it's a verb.

Is chimes in an idiom?

Yes, because the literal meaning makes no sense. A person cannot really chime like a bell. This idiom means that the person speaks up, or adds their comments to the conversation.