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An oikos (ancient Greek: οἶκος, plural: οἶκοι, English prefix: Eco for Ecology and Economics) is the ancient Greek equivalent of a household, house, or family

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Q: What is the meaning of the word oikos?
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Related questions

What is the meaning of oikos in short?

Oikos is a basic unit of society in Greek culture. For example, a family with a head of the household along with the rest of his extended family was an oikos.

What language does ecology come from?

It comes from two Greek words: "oikos" meaning "home" and "logos" meaning "word" or "study". So it is the study of environments or homes.

What does the word eco mean in ecosystem?

The term 'ecosystem' is derived from the Greek word, 'Oikos', meaning 'house'- I know this for a fact. Eco generally refers to the Environment.

What is the Greek word of ecology?

The term oekologie was coined by a German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel. It came fron the Greek word oikos, meaning 'home or a place to live in'.

What Is the Greek word for villa?

Oikos, means 'house'

What language does the word eco come from?

The word "eco" comes from the Greek word "oikos" meaning "house" or "household." It is commonly used as a prefix in English to denote something related to the environment or ecology.

What are the ancient Greek roots of 'economy'?

Oikos and nemein are the ancient Greek roots of 'economy'. In the word by word translation, the Greek noun 'oikos' means 'house'. The Greek infinitive 'nemein' means 'to manage'.

What does Oikos mean?

oikos is the greek for "house" or "home"

Where did the word ecology came from?

ecology came from the greek word which means. oikos- house and logos- study.

When was Oikos - journal - created?

Oikos - journal - was created in 1949.

When did Oikos University shooting happen?

Oikos University shooting happened on 2012-04-02.

Where does the word economics come from?

The word "economics" has it's origin in the Greek "oikonomikós" (relating to household management), from "oikos" (house).