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It just means you're VERY ill.

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Q: What is the meaning of you are as sick as a dog?
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Personification is saying something that can't happen. For example, "he was as sick as a dog."

What is the meaning of drooling?

Drooling can mean your dog is trying to cool off, or your dog is nervous, or your dog is sick. Also, some dogs drool naturally (for example, bull dogs and Newfoundland dogs).Cats can drool when they're happy or when they are sick.

What is the symbolic meaning of your dog eating an orange crayon?

That someone was ignorant enough to leave an orange crayon on the floor for the dog to eat and possibly get sick.

As sick as?

As sick as a parrot.As sick as a dog.

What is the meaning of the saying sick as a pig?

The term sick as a pig refers to someone who is very sick. The term sick as a dog also refers to the same thing. These phrases were made up during the 1700s without any reasoning.

Is it possible to eat a dog raw and not get sick?

I hope you are eating a hot dog and not a dog but you will get sick

What is the saying as sick as a what?

sick as a dog

What is the present tense of be?

am / is / are I am You are He/she/it is We are They are I am sick. He is sick. The dog is sick. They are sick. The teachers are sick.

What if your dog ate your hamsters will your dog get sick?

Yes, your dog could get sick. You should talk to a vetrinarian.

What is your dog sick with?

*cold*breathing problems*weather can make a dog sick

Can a woman get sick from dog seamen?

No, You actually can not get sick from dog seamen. My girl friend sucks our dog all the time. She never got sick

Why sick as a pig?

The saying was "As sick as a dog."