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The word 'literate' is a noun as well as an adjective. The noun literate is a word for someone who can read and write, or an educated person.

The noun form for the adjective literate is literateness. Other noun form are literacy and literature.

Literacy refers to the ability to read and understand literature, while literature is a written work, especially one considered classic or of quality.

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Q: What is the noun of literate?
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What is an abstract noun for literate?

The abstract noun form of the adjective "literate" is literacy, a word for an ability to read and write; a word for a concept.The word "literate" is a concrete noun as a word for a person who can read and write; a word for people as a group who can read and write; a word for a physical person or people.Another noun form of the adjective "literate" is literature, a concrete noun as a word for written works such as books or other printed material; a word for physical things.

Why the adjective LITERATE is positioned after a noun not like other adjectives?

Actually, the adjective literate is positioned before the noun, like other adjectives in English. For example, "His thoughtful and literate commentary caught my eye." It is probably more common, however, to use literate as a predicate adjective: "His writing was surprisingly literate considering his lack of formal education."

Can you say that if you are a computer literate then you are also computer literate?

Both are similar, but with distinctions. If you are computer literate, it means you know all the terminology related to computers and what it means. If you are competent with computers, it means you know what you are doing. So competence would be a little deeper understanding.

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literate literate

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i am literate in my learning

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il-literate (illiterate)

What percentage of the people in Belgium are literate?

99% of the people are literate

What percentage of the people is literate in Bolivia?

70& of the youth are literate.

What is the prefix of literate?

The prefix of literate is illiterate :) Haha i got it first!!!! From Kere!!!!

What are computer literacy and information system literacy why are they important..?

A literate person cannot be expected to know how to operate a computer. In essence, a person can be literate but not computer literate. But the opposite seems difficult to be true. A computer literate is often always a literate.

How do you spell not literate?

The word for not literate is spelled "illiterate" (unable to read).

What does Technologically Literate mean?

technology literate means you are good with technology.