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Q: What is the one word used by economists that includes all these meanings?
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What is the word used by economists that include all these meanings?


Which word do economists use for fairness?

Economists use the word equity for fairness

What is the meaning the connotative and denotative meanings in the word table?

A table is used to eat on. That is the connotative and denotative meanings.

What is a sentence for the word economists?

Alan Greenspan is one of the most famous economists ever know.

What are some meanings of the word convictions?

There are a few meanings of the word convictions, depending on the context it is used in. The word conviction typically means the act or process of finding a person guilty of a crime.

When do you use synonyms?

They can be used at anytime to view a word differently, but with the same meanings.

What is the French word 'en' in English?

"In" is an English equivalent of the French word "en."Specifically, the French word is a preposition. It includes among its meanings "in, into, to." The pronunciation is "aw."

What is the difference between homonyms and homographs?

Homonyms are words that are pronounced the same but have different meanings, while homographs are words that are spelled the same but may have different pronunciations and meanings. In other words, homonyms sound the same but can be spelled differently, while homographs are spelled the same but can be pronounced differently.

What is the word with more meanings after the word run run has 50 meanings?

said said

How many times is the word fast mentioned in the Bible?

Approximately 85 times, however the word is used at times with different meanings.

Can you give a single word with at least three different meanings?

One word with at least three different meanings is "bat." It can refer to a mammal that flies, a piece of sports equipment used in baseball, or a swift and forceful strike.

What is the Italian translation of 'manly'?

Virile is an Italian equivalent of the English word "manly."Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine adjective. It includes among its meanings "manly, potent, virile." The pronunciation is "vee-REE-leh."