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Standing, NOT FALLING, balanced, etc....

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13y ago
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11y ago

the opposite of fall is to stand up.

You could use: rise, lift, arise, move up, go up, come up, uprise, rising, ascent, ascension

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Q: What is the opposite of falling?
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Since a rhombus is essentially a square falling over, yes, opposite sides are parallel

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The opposite of climb (ascend) would be descend. However, for some type of increase (climb, rise), the opposite would be drop or fall.

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The ways to avoid falling off an edge vary depending on which way you fall. One method that works for falling forward or back is waving your hands in circular motions in the opposite direction that you are falling to counteract the angle.

What is the force that atcs in an opposite direction to the motion of a moving object?

Friction always acts in a direction opposing the motion of an object.

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you have to try to jump of the skate board or if your falling off fall on your back side

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Just like any other source of friction, air resistance effectively results in a force opposite to the object's motion. If the object is falling, then the force is upward.

Why do you fall backwards when you run into something?

Because every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The action is you running into a wall, and the opposite reaction is you falling down.

In SDRAM what is rising and falling edges?

In SDRAM, rising and falling edges are the opposite edges of a memory module through which data can be transferred. SDRAMs that are designed this way are called DDR (double data rate) SDRAMs.