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Q: What is the opposite of rarefaction?
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What is rarefacation?

Rarefaction is the reduction of an items density. Rarefaction is the opposite of compression. It is a technique to look at a species richness.

Rarefaction occurs only in?

Rarefaction only occurs in a longitudinal wave. Rarefaction is the reduction of the density of a medium. It is the opposite of compression.

What is rarefration?

Rarefaction is the decrease in the density of something which is also the opposite of compression. As far as I know rarefration is not a word but i think you are meaning rarefaction.

Is rarefaction a high pressure area of tightly packed molecules?

No. A rarefaction is the region of a sound wave where the particles are spread out rather than close together. The closer together regions are compressions. These terms are used about waves in air, not weather systems.

What rhymes with rarefaction?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word rarefaction.

What is the area of compression and rarefaction?

Compression is a Pushing Force whereas Rarefaction is a Pulling Force[Compression is the point when the most force is being applied to a molecule&Rarefaction is the point when the least force is applied].Compression happens when particles are forced/pressed together.Rarefaction is just the opposite,it occurs when particles are given extra space&allowed to expand.Compression&Rarefaction are Effects the wave causes.If you look at any normal visual representation of a Sound Wave,the humps above the middle line are called Compressions,the humps below are called Rarefactions.

Molecules are farther apart in a rarefaction reflection compression or refraction?


Where is a place where molecules are far apart?

The Answer is rarefaction.

A region of spread out particles ina compressional wave is called?

I believe you are referring to rarefaction. The "trough" of a compression / rarefaction wave is called rarefaction.

What is the name of the process whereby a material is made less dense?


What is rare faction of sound wave?

A rare faction is an area of a sound wave where there is lesser compression of the medium,ie Rarefaction is the reduction of a medium's density, or the opposite of compression

What types of wave does rarefaction and compression?

this kind of wave that includes compressional and rarefaction is called a longitudinal wave.