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Q: What is the opposite of the deficit model?
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What is the opposite of Deficit?

The opposite of a deficit is a surplus. A deficit occurs when a country's expenses are greater than their revenues. A surplus is the opposite.

What is the opposite of surplus?

The opposite of surplus (excess) is Deficit or Shortage.

Is deficit the opposite of surplus?


What is the opposite of attributes?

There is no direct opposite of attributes (traits). A possible opposite of physical traits might be intellectual or mental characteristics.

What is the financial term for the opposite of deficit?


What is deflect?

Deficit spending is the amount by which a government, private company, or individual's spending exceeds income over a particular period of time, also called simply "deficit," or "budget deficit," the opposite of budget surplus.

What is spending deficit?

Deficit spending is the opposite of budget surplus. It means spending more money than you have - going into debt.

What is deflect spending?

Deflect spending refers to the practice of redirecting or minimizing expenses in order to save money or avoid unnecessary costs. It involves finding alternative, more cost-effective options for goods or services, or delaying or eliminating non-essential purchases.

What is the opposite of working model?

A model that doesn't work.

Is it true that oxygen deficit occurs when the body's supply of oxygen exceeds the demands being placed on it?

No, just the opposite it is a surplus.

What is deficit theory in education?

Deficit model: The idea that the lower achievement in schools is due to a problem with the student rather than considering the role of the school itself, instructional practices, organisational structures, etc. This model sees diversity in lifestyle, language, ways of learning etc as problematic.

What is the opposite of mentor?

The opposite of a mentor is a protege, or pupil.