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Chavs are part Magpie, evidentially supported by their love of all things shiny, or as vaccuous, illiterate street-slang would say 'Bling'.

[Found this on urban dictionary, found it funny.]

This is my take:

People who are not labelled chavs are very stereotypical. I, as a British person, find myself labelling someone I do not know, a chav.

In my mind I see a 19 year old girl with hair scraped back (No loose hairs) Wearing track bottoms, a strappy top and a hoody. Sometimes wearing a Baseball cap. They have their expressions set on a 'I-am-better-than-you' face, and your mind just thinks 'chav'. You sometimes say this to your friend next to you. You never realise it's probably a term of bullying. Until you write an answer on wiki.answers about it. Sometimes they hear you and give you a dirty look, and you and said friend burst into silent laughter, shoulders shaking, tear streaking down you face, and the so-labelled 'chav' starts swearing and acts like a.. chav, to be honest.. sending you and your friend into more hysterical laughter. Running away to laugh in freedom.

I guess I'm not proud. Sorry for ranting, their is no origin, I guess.

I mean, of course there is an origin, but nobody knows it. Their are many guesses, they may be correct, but seriously, it's a label.

Some possible origins include:

1. "Chava" - English Romany ("Pogaty Gyp") word meaning "young man" or "lad"; usually implying a trouble maker or mischievous type.

2. Some assert Chav derives from "Cheltenham Average": Cheltenham is a very wealthy, often quite snobbish, spa town in South West England, and it's widely believed that snooty young women at Cheltenham Ladies' College (an exclusive private school) used the term contemptuously to describe local girls/ young women less blessed by wealth & privilege than themselves. Over time, the term became more generally applied to all young people deemed coarse, vulgar, ignorant, and inclined to anti-social behaviour, especially public inebriation, thieving, inappropriate sexual display, and violence.

3. Many believe CHAV stands for Crude, Hideous (or sometimes Homophobic) or Horrible, Alcoholic, and Violent. It's the English equivalent of the Scottish "Neds" - Non Educable Delinquent Scum.

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The origin is the Romani word Chavi, which means "child."

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