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The origin is Latin, from the practice of law as it applies to Real Property, e.g. real estate, Land deals.

A parcel is any part or portion of land. Often in US law, lawyers and Courts made and make redundant statements that mean basically the same thing, but as different wording that could be used to argue against a Deed transfer or legality of ownership. So, by expressly saying "part and parcel", no one could try to later refute the sale or gift transfer on the basis of the land itself by splitting the meaning of "part" and "parcel". (They might use a different argument, but not one about "part" of that land.)

Part and parcel, as an idiom, means "it is all part of the same thing", typically land, or whatever that 'thing' is when used as an idiom.


  1. A lot of walking is part and parcel of the occupation of nursing.
  2. Part and parcel to hosting community parades is the control of traffic and pedestrian safety.
  3. Buying your own uniform, shoes, hair nets, and gloves was part and parcel of working for the ABC Diner.
  4. Having to register a written deed and paying land taxes are both part and parcel of the privilege of land ownership.

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