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Is the person who don't have pity or mercy. The word "ruth"means or meant (it hasn't been used much recently and so might be considered to be obsolete since the late nineteenth century) pity, mercy and compassion.

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Q: What is the origin of the word ruthless?
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What is the origin of the word 'ruthless'?

The word "ruthless" is middle-English in origin, referring to the biblical story of Ruth; the theme of the story being kindness, love, and redemption. To say someone is ruthless is to literally say that that person is unlike Ruth; cruel, unforgiving, and unloving. (Ruth+less) "ruthless" early 14c., from reuthe 'pity, compassion' (late 12c.), formed from reuwen 'to rue' (see rue (v.)) on the model of true/truth, etc. Ruthful (early 13c.) has fallen from use since late 17c. except as a deliberate archaism."

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We know what ruthless means but what does Ruth mean?

The core word is 'rue', or to regret. So ruthless is without regret, and rueful or ruefully is with regret.

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