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The plural form of calf is calves.

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Q: What is the plural noun for calf?
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Related questions

What is the plural from of the word calf?

The plural form of calf is calves.

Does calf has the same singular and plural?

No, the singular noun is calf; the irregular plural form is calves.

What is singular form of calf?

The singular possessive noun is calf's.The plural form of the noun calf is calves.The plural possessive noun is calves'.Examples:The calf's foot became tangled in the wire.Repair the fence so that the other calves' feet won't be injured.

What is the plural and plural possessive of calf?

The singular possessive noun is calf's.The plural form of the noun calf is calves.The plural possessive noun is calves'.Examples:The calf's foot became tangled in the wire.Repair the fence so that the other calves' feet won't be injured.

What is the plural noun for roof and calf?

roofs calves

How do you spell calves?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun calves(plural of calf).

What is the Plural possessive calf?

The plural form of the noun calf is calves.The plural possessive form is calves'.Examples: The calves' mothers were both owned by the same farmer.

What is the plural possessive of calve?

Calve is a verb, not a noun. Perhaps you mean calf, for which the plural possessive is calves'

What is cattle called if there's more than one?

Cattle is plural. Calf is the singular noun.

Is calf a plural?

No, calf is singular. The plural form is calves.

What is the plural form of calf and wolf?

The plural form of calf is calves; wolves is the plural for wolf.

What is plure for calf?

The plural for calf is calves.