Example sentences for plural possessive nouns (in bold):We're planning a party for my parents'anniversary.The secretaries' reports will be presented at the annual meeting.The new equipment has been installed on the children's playground.The charges' total exceeded my ability to pay.His remarkable achievement has captured people's interest.
I am humbled by the attention brought by my latest achievement.
The abstract noun for achieve is achievement.
The plural of "she" is "they", so the plural of "she had" is "they had".
An achievement is a goal which has been achieved by someone in a particular exercise, an accomplishment, or a successful performance.
Just add an 's' to the end of the word !
The homonym of "feet" is "feat". "Feet" refers to the plural of foot (body part), while "feat" refers to a remarkable achievement or accomplishment.
Yes, "successes" is a correct plural form of the word "success." It is commonly used to refer to multiple instances of achievement or favorable outcomes.
You can't use congratulations with an apostrophe.
Individual achievement
It depends on the achievement. For example, if you wanted to get the achievement "Time To Mine!" you would type in /achievement give achievement.buildPickaxe For the next achievement "Hot Topic" you would type in achievement give achievement.buildFurnace The achievements are based on what you need to do in order to accomplish them. Just like for the first achievement "Taking Inventory: you type in /achievement give achievement.openInventory Hope this helped!
No, achievement is an abstract noun.
There is no patron saint of achievement.
the achievement is you can get a MEWTWO
ask for a hint
Example sentences for plural possessive nouns (in bold):We're planning a party for my parents'anniversary.The secretaries' reports will be presented at the annual meeting.The new equipment has been installed on the children's playground.The charges' total exceeded my ability to pay.His remarkable achievement has captured people's interest.
my achievement is played indian football team