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In English, adjectives have a unique form, therefore - they have no plural. (exception: the demonstratives - this - these; that - those).

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Q: What is the plural of tall?
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What is an altas?

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Yes, the word 'others' is the plural form of the indefinite pronoun 'other', a word that takes the place of a noun for a different person or thing from one already mentioned.Example: My kids are fairly tall but Jeff is not as tall as the others.The word 'other' is also an adjective when placed just before a noun: the other kids.

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The plural form for the noun moose is moose. The singular and the plural possessive form are also the same: moose's.EXAMPLES:A moose's antlers was spotted in the tall brush.We saw a group of moose's tracks in the road.

How do you spell 'giraffe'?

That is the correct spelling of "giraffe" (a tall ungulate mammal).

What is 'tall' when translated from English to Italian?

The singular alta and the plural alte in the feminine and the singular alto and the plural alti in the masculine are literal Italian equivalents of the English word "tall." The adjectives in question can be feminine or masculine in gender and singular or plural in number depending upon whether the description applies to a female, a male, or more than one of either or both. The respective pronunciations will be "AL-ta" and "AL-tey" in the feminine and "AL-to" and "AL-tee" in the masculine in Italian.

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The noun reptiles is the plural form of the singular noun reptile.The singular possessive form is reptile's.The plural possessive form is reptiles'.Examples:There were tracks of several different reptiles in the mud. (plural)One of the reptile's tracks led into the tall grass. (singular possessive)The rest of the reptiles' tracks led to the water. (plural possessive)

Can you give 100 examples of plural pronoun?

No, because there are not 100 plural pronouns.The plural pronouns are:weusyou (can be singular or plural)theythemthesethoseouroursyour (can be singular or plural)yours (can be singular or plural)theirtheirsourselvesyourselvesthemselvesbothfewfewermanyothersseveralall (can be singular or plural)any (can be singular or plural)more (can be singular or plural)most (can be singular or plural)none (can be singular or plural)some (can be singular or plural)such (can be singular or plural)

How do you say he is tall in Spanish?

Tall is "alto" pronounced: ahl-toh, and if you're a girl its "alta" and its pronounced ahl-tah (plural is altos and altas).if you want to say very tall say muy altoif you wanna say somewhat tall sayalto