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Q: What is the point of view in the story tanabata's wife?
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Is the wife in 'Cathedral' by Raymond Carver a round or flat character?

Flat. She doesn't change throughout the story.

What is the Escape by Katherine Mansfield about?

The story is about tension between a married couple who are traveling. Mansfield alternates points of view in between the husband and the wife. The beginning is the wife. She is blaming her husband for making them miss the train. The husband takes over when he thinks about how she would be buried with her things. Take note to the scenery that Mansfield talks about, like the sea (symbolic of freedom and loneliness) and the tree ( the colors mansifeld uses make it seem like the tree is peaceful and heaven like). To put it short and sweet: reread the story and think about it like a quarrell between a married couple.

What is the summary of wife's holiday by r.k Narayan?

this story written by r.k narayana is a very humorous story a wife went to a holiday on returning sees his husbands misdeeds she is shocked when she sees that everything is scattered on the floor and his sons savings are all lost because husband has all lost in a game

Summary of the sounds of Sunday by kerima polotan tuvera?

Kerima Polotan-as Emma ยด was portrayedas a typical wife who worries about her husband.Domingo Gorrez-Domingo plays as thehusband who has been led astray becauseof power and position.Rene Rividad-is also a vital character but isonly important during the latter part of thestory.

What is the theme of the story small key?

soledad is good wife pedro is a hardworking husband

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The point of view in "The Wedding Dance" is third-person limited, focusing on the thoughts and feelings of Awiyao. The narrative provides insight into Awiyao's internal struggles and decisions during the traditional wedding dance ritual with his wife, Lumnay.

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â??How My Brother Brought Home A Wifeâ?? by Manuel Arguilla is told in first person point of view since it is the narrator, Baldo, Leonâ??s younger brother who tells the story of his new sister-in-lawâ??s arrival and how she came to fit in with her new family.

What is Walter problem in the secret life of Walter mitty?

This story contain no problems except between Walter Mitty and his wife because in the third dream the beautiful lady ran to him and loyal became jealous in his point of view any men who describes a woman is hating his wife

What is Point of view of the story other woman by virgilio samonte?

The story "Other Woman" by Virgilio Samonte is told from the perspective of the main character, the husband who is torn between his wife and his mistress. The narrative explores the emotions and struggles of the husband as he grapples with the complexities of his relationships with these two women.

In the Wife of Bath's tale the story of the knight is intended to illustrate which point?

That women should have sovereignty

In the wife of baths tale the story of the knight is intended to illustrate which point?

That women should have sovereignty

What is Walters problem in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty?

This story contain no problems except between Walter Mitty and his wife because in the third dream the beautiful lady ran to him and loyal became jealous in his point of view any men who describes a woman is hating his wife

When was The Wife's Story created?

"The Wife's Story" is a short story written by Ursula K. Le Guin and was first published in 1982.

What concern does the friar have about the Wife of Bath's Tale?

The friar is concerned that the Wife of Bath's Tale challenges male authority and challenges the traditional view of marriage. He worries that her story may be seen as subversive and threatening to the status quo.

Will Othello be consider a protagonist?

Yes because from the point of view the play is written all of his actions are just. Even though we know that it is wrong for him to kill his wife.

What is the process of sexual mating with wife in Islamic point of view?

The sexual mating with wife from Islamic view is based on the mutual acceptance, enjoyment, and satisfaction. Both Husband and wife are allowed to enjoy each other by all means whatsoever so far both are satisfied on conditions that:Their sexual mating to be done in privacy not in a gathering or with children observationNot to do sex during wife menstruation (period)Not to do sex through inserting penis in wife's anus.