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Todo fábula puede ser un exemplum (inventado o artificial, según Aristóteles) en un Marco augmentativo que le da lugar; pero un exemplum artificialis no necesariamente tiene la forma de una fábula. Los ejemplos inventados pueden ser otros tipos de relatos (ilustrativos), por lo general, breves como las mismas fábulas. Dichos relatos deben siempre adquirir un valor probatorio de corte inductivo para alacanzar el carácter de exempla en alguna argumentación que se departe, pues como narraciones intratextuales, resultan ser una amplificación de lo alegado en algún punto específico de ésta: amplificatio rerum. En otras palabras, su función retórica en el discurso argumentativo es la de ejemplificar (ilustrar, testimoniar, dar prueba, etc.) y reforzar lo que se arguye en algún(os) punto(s) de aquel dicurso con el que se intenta la persuasion y el convencimiento.

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Q: What is the relation of exemplum to fables?
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What makes a story an exemplum?

An exemplum is a story used to illustrate a moral or religious lesson, often found in medieval literature. It typically features characters facing moral dilemmas or challenges, and the outcomes serve as lessons for the audience. The purpose of an exemplum is to provide a practical example that reinforces ethical values or teachings.

Was The Wife of Bath's Tale an exemplum?

Yes, it could be defined as an exemplum.

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An exemplum is typically used to illustrate or make a point in a speech or writing. For example, in a persuasive essay about the importance of reading, one could use an exemplum like "Mark Twain's rise to literary success from humble beginnings serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of books."

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As exemplum is or prop for an intellectual idea?

An exemplum provides a concrete example to illustrate an abstract idea, making it easier to understand and relate to. It serves as a tangible representation of a broader concept or moral lesson.

What genre is a parable?

Well, I can tell you that a sub genre of a parable is the "exemplum" which is a story used to illustrate a point. Collections of exempla (exemplums is also acceptable) helped medieval preachers to enhance their sermons, to emphasize moral conclusions or illustrate a point of doctrine. The subject matter could be taken from fables, folktales, legends, or real history. Some places have listed Tolstoy's "The Death of Ivan Ilych" as an exemplum. They can be called instructive traditional stories. They can be in prose or verse. They are a form of analogy.

As exemplum is an what or prop for an intellectual idea?

moralizing story

What is the definition of exemplum?

Exemplum means two things:1. An example. 2. A brief story used to make a point in an argument or to illustrate a moral truth.Pronounced: Ex-em-pla

Whose were the fables?

The fables are called 'The Aesop Fables'. A weird name Aesop.

What do you think is the moral of this exemplum?

The moral of an exemplum can vary widely depending on the specific story being told. It often serves to illustrate a particular virtue or lesson relevant to the time and culture in which it was written. By examining the actions and consequences within the exemplum, readers can draw their own interpretations about its moral teachings.

What is the Latin word of example?

exemplum is the Latin word for example