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Q: What is the rising action of the book Big mouth and ugly girl?
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The rising action in "Firegirl" by Tony Abbott centers around the protagonist's journey to understand and connect with Jessica, a girl scarred by a fire. As the protagonist navigates his feelings of empathy and uncertainty, the tension builds as he grapples with his own insecurities and how to form a genuine friendship with Jessica.

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In "A Girl Named Disaster," the rising action is when the protagonist, Nhamo, embarks on a journey to find her father. The climax occurs when she faces a life-threatening situation in the wilderness. The falling action sees Nhamo navigating challenges and ultimately finding a new sense of belonging with a new community. The resolution is her coming to terms with her past and finding peace within herself.

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The rising action in "Anything But Typical" follows Jason, an autistic boy who struggles with fitting in and expressing himself, as he enters a story-writing contest. As he works on his story and connects with a girl named Phoenix online, his confidence and sense of self grow. The falling action occurs as he attends a real-life meeting with Phoenix and overcomes his fears and insecurities in a powerful way.

What is the rising action in The Hunger Games?

The Rising action in the story "The Tale OfDespereaux" is that Despereaux is not suppost to talk to humans or else he would get in trouble. Another problem (rising action) is that Despereaux acts different than the rest of his mouse family.

What happened at the end of the book Goth Girl Rising?

Because the author died!

What is the rising action of winn dixie?

The rising action of a story occurs between the beginning and the climax of the plot. In "Because of Winn Dixie" the rising action occurs when a girl named Opal moves to a new town and goes through the process of making new friends. Along the way, she adopts a stray dog who she names Winn Dixie.

What is the theme of big mouth and ugly girl?

The theme of "Big Mouth and Ugly Girl" by Joyce Carol Oates revolves around social injustice, bullying, and the power dynamics within high school environments. The novel explores themes of friendship, activism, and standing up for what is right.

In the book Esperanza Rising what is the mean striker girl's name?

In the book "Esperanza Rising," the mean striker girl's name is Marta. She is one of the workers in the Mexicano camp where Esperanza and her family live after moving to California. Marta frequently clashes with Esperanza due to their differing backgrounds and beliefs.

What is the rising action for the book before you fall by Lauren Oliver?

In "Before I Fall" by Lauren Oliver, the rising action includes Sam Kingston reliving the same day over and over, trying to figure out the significance of her actions and how they impact those around her. As she navigates through these repeated days, she begins to question her own behavior, leading to self-reflection and growth. The rising action builds as Sam starts to make different choices and seeks to make amends for past mistakes.

What is the rising action of Bird Lake Moon by Kevin Henkes?

In "Bird Lake Moon" by Kevin Henkes, the rising action includes the protagonist, Spencer, adjusting to his new surroundings at the lake while dealing with his parents' separation. Spencer forms a bond with a girl named Hope, and they work together to solve a mystery involving a missing painting. As they unravel the mystery, Spencer starts to come to terms with the changes in his life.

What is the book Esperanza Rising?

The book esperanza rising is about a girl that speaks shainsh.she lives in Mexico in aguascalientes.her papa deaded.she and mama,alfonso,hortensia,and miguel had to go to the u.s in los angel.she had to go to a camp that was dirty and esperanza didnt like that she had to live in a camp on bank-beds.then she met a little girl name isabel.

What is Esperanza's rising about?

Esperanza Rising is about a girl who's father dies, and her house burnt down. Esperanza the girl, and her mom leave for the US in search of work. once settled into their camp, her mother gets valley fever. I am not going to tell you the rest , but it's a GREAT book.