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It's when James just finished tagging the 405 sign

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Q: What is the rising action of the story your move by eve bunting?
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What is the rising action in ''the school play''?

The rising action in "the school play" typically involves the development of the plot and conflict leading up to the climax. It includes events that build tension, reveal character motivations, and move the story forward towards a turning point.

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"The Circuit" is a short story written by Francisco Rodriquez about his childhood. The falling action of the story occurs after his family has settled down in a town. Before this, they were migrant workers and frequently moved from town to town.

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At the end of the story of 'Charles' the action moves to the school where there is a PTA meeting. The purpose of this move is to give the mother a way to discover that 'Charles' doesn't actually exist.

What is the rising action climax falling action and resolution of the book Money Hungry by Sharon Flake?

The climax is when she has to move back on the streets. The falling action is when she noticed who her real friends are. The resolution is she noticed what she did wrong, and fixed them.

What is the theme of your move by eve bunting?

Family is what matters most

What are the exposition rising action climax falling and resolution of the book Tears Of A Tiger by Sharon Draper?

In "Tears of a Tiger" by Sharon Draper, the exposition introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the story. The rising action involves the struggles and inner turmoil faced by protagonist Andy following a tragic car accident. The climax occurs when Andy makes a devastating decision, leading to the falling action where consequences unfold. The resolution shows the characters grappling with grief and trying to move forward.

What is the rising action in no passengers beyond this point?

The rising action in "No Passengers Beyond This Point" includes the siblings encountering strange occurrences in the house they move into and their relationships getting strained as they try to navigate these challenges together. Tensions rise as they uncover the secrets of the house and struggle to find a way out.

Heat rising from within earth causes earth's what to move?

Heat rising from within the Earth causes the Earth's tectonic plates to move. The constant rising and sinking of heat are called convection currents.

What are the four parts of a novel?

The four parts of a novel are typically the introduction (exposition), rising action (conflict development), climax (turning point), and resolution (outcome and conclusion). These components help structure the story and move the plot forward.

What is the rising action of Heidi?

In "Heidi," the rising action includes Heidi's move from the mountains to Frankfurt to live with Clara, her friendship with Peter, Clara's improving health due to the mountain air, and Heidi's struggle with homesickness. These events build tension and lead to the climax of the story.

What is a plot exposition?

Exposition is to provide some background information to inform the readers about the plot, theme, etc.The exposition of a plot is like the flashback of what happened before.When you are writing a story it is starting at the middle and then looking back on what happened before and then move to rising action to climax to falling action and lastly to the resolution.The exposition is where the story starts. How does the author begin it.An "exposition" is what people call an introduction. It's when the characters meet, the setting is introduced and whatever happened before the storyThe exposition of a plot line is when several characters have been introduced in the beginning of a story.

What is the plot diagram for Speak?

"Speak" follows the story of a high school freshman named Melinda who stops speaking after a traumatic event at a party. The plot diagram includes the exposition where Melinda starts high school, rising action as she navigates her struggles and isolation, climax when she finally speaks out about the trauma she experienced, falling action as she begins to heal and reconcile with herself, and resolution as she finds her voice and starts to move forward.