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Q: What is the root word of because?
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What is the root of addiction?

There is no root word for Addict. This is because addict is the root word of addiction.

Is happy a root word?

No, because the -ness is a suffix. The root word of happiness is happy.

What is the meaning of the root word monitor?

It has no root wort. Because it is a root word. It has also neither a suffix nor a prefix.

What is the root of the word report?

the root word is port because the suffix is re.

What is the root word for yeah?

The root word for "yeah" is "yea," which is an archaic term meaning "yes" or "indeed."

What is the root word of a root word?

The root of the word is the base of the word, without its prefixes or suffixes. For example, the root of the word reduction would be "duc", because "re" is the prefix and "tion" is the suffix.

What is the root word for old?

The root word for old is actually old because old is the root word for many words such as:older,oldest,elder etc. Old as no prefixes or suffixes that is why it is its own root word

What the root word of decimeter?

"Meter" is the root word of decimeter, because "deci" is a prefix. It is used in metric prefixes.

Is ingrown a compound word?

No, because in is a prefix and grown is the root word.

What is the root word of transgression?

Because "trans" and "sion" are the prefix and suffix of that word, I assume "gres" is the "root word"

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Probably because ...........

Where does the word biomass originate?

i think the Greeks because of the root word -bio-