The subject of this sentence is the book.The answer is either book or Exodus???
The pronoun that takes the place of the noun 'book' is it.The pronoun 'it' is a subject pronoun or an objectpronoun.Example:I bought the book at the tag sale.It was only fifty cents. (subject of the sentence)You may have it when I finish it. (direct object of the verbs)
It is a compound sentence. Janet did two actions. She read and she reported.
No. Since we don't know you we can't write a sentence about you. A declarative sentence is a very simple sentence with a period at the end. You could write what your favorite sport, movie, or book is.
"Throw the book at him" IS a sentence.
John bought a book is the simple past tense.
An object in a sentence typically receives the action of the verb. It answers the question "what" or "whom." In a sentence like "She bought a book," "book" is the object as it is what she bought.
No, the sentence "The book was returned to the library yesterday" is in passive voice because the subject (the book) is receiving the action (being returned) rather than performing the action.
The word "I" is used for the subject of a sentence: I went to the store. You and I bought the book. The word "Me" is used for the object of a sentence, phrase, etc. He bought it for me.
He bought a colouring book for his daughter.
She bought herself a new book to read.
The subject of this sentence is the book.The answer is either book or Exodus???
the book was very wholly
She handed me the book.
Groundless in this situation is an adjective. It mostly emits a negative, helpless vibe. An example to use it in is, "Your suspicions are groundless." It implies that a person's doubts have no solid foundation"His fears of discovery proved to be groundless.""This book that I bought yesterday was totally groundless".Your theory about dark matter is groundless.Yes ,you can use groundless in a sentence.
That tool was borrowed without my consent.