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The suffix in tonsillectomy is -ectomy which means to cut out or remove by cutting.

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Q: What is the suffix for tonsillectomy?
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What is the suffix of mastectomy?

- omy Other examples include: * lobotomy * appendectomy * tonsillectomy

What part of the word does -ectomy represent?

SuffixYes, -ectomy means 'to cut out'; a tonsillectomy is the cutting out of a tonsil or two.Yes -ectomy is as suffix. Words that include this suffix is like dissectomy...The definition for -ectomy is to cut out.-ectomy is a medical terminology suffix meaning "surgical removal."-ectomy is a suffix, meaning surgical removal.

What does this mean tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils

What is a surgical procedure performed on the pharynx?

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure performed on the pharynx.

Can you have strep throat after tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy does not give you any protection against strep throat.

What is tonsillectomy mean?

A tonsillectomy is an operation by which the tonsils are removed, often due to them becoming infected.

Can a person who has undergone a tonsillectomy donate blood?

tonsillectomy person should not donate bloo

What gets removed during a tonsillectomy?

Both the tonsils are removed during tonsillectomy

How long before you can return to work after adult tonsillectomy?

It takes approximately three weeks to return to work after an adult tonsillectomy.

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of the tonsils?

The surgical removal of tonsils is called a tonsillectomy. You will see that ending "ectomy" at the end of many words that talk about surgically removing something.Tonsilectomy

What is it called when you get your tonsils taken out?


What sutures are used for tonsillectomy?
