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Q: What part of bibliographic reference is always italicized or underlined?
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What part of a bibliography is always italicized or underlined?

The title of the source (e.g., book, journal, or website) is always italicized or underlined in a bibliography.

Do all scientific names have to underlined or italicized?

Scientific names are composed of the GENUS name, which is capitalized, and the species name, which is always lower case. The entire scientific name is ALWAYS underlined or italicized.

What is the biological name of a lion?

Panthera leoThe genus is always capitalized and the species is always lower-cased.Also the genus and species must either be underlined or italicized when written.

Why is the biological classification italicized?

By convention the binomial Latin names are always italicized.

Is the phrase in media res always italicized?

No, the phrase "in media res" is not always italicized. It is a Latin term that means "in the middle of things" and can be italicized for emphasis or to conform to certain style guides, but it is not a strict rule.

Did Picasso always underline his name?

No. some of his original paintings were never underlined. It was later that he underlined his name. I have an original Picasso that was not underlined. but he did always capitalize his P. If you can find early Picasso's that were not underlined they can easily be worth many millions. Good luck and best wishes.

What is the difference between an area reference and a grid reference?

The difference between and area and grid reference is that an area reference always has 4 numbers, and a grid reference will always have 6 numbers

Do you need to underline the website name in a report?

It all depends on what format in which you are writing. When I was still in school, I primarily had to use the MLA format. In MLA you are required to underline website names. This is the website that I always used to make sure my style was correct....

Is it cross reference with or cross reference to?

it is always cross refer to ......

What should be italicized in this sentence The Marine Corps motto is the Latin phrase semper fidelis always faithful?

semper fidelis - A+

Do you underline the title of a book you are doing a project on?

Book titles are always underlined. On the computer though, you can italicize it.

Do you put a underline around a book title?

Yes, book titles are typically italicized or underlined to indicate emphasis. However, in modern writing and with the use of word processing software, it is more common to italicize book titles rather than underline them.