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Alligator, Florida, and armadillo are all nouns.

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Q: What part of speech is alligator Florida and armadillo?
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What part of speech is the word armadillo?

Armadillo is a noun.

What part of speech is alligator?

depends on the context but for the most part a noun

What is part of speech in alligator?

It is a noun. It is a name of an animal.

Whats the main animal of Florida?

alligator or crocoodile it depends on what part you are in

What part of speech is the word Florida?

The word "Florida" is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific place.

What part of speech is Florida and conquistador?

Both "Florida" and "conquistador" are nouns, the former proper and the latter common.

Is armadillo capitalized?

No, unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a name ("Armadillo Jones") it is not capitalized.

What is the defensive part of an armadillo?

The armadillo uses ites shell for protection.

What part of speech is the word snow in the sentence Does it snow in Florida?


What do you do when attacked by an alligator?

Hit the alligator on the eye because that's the only part of their body a human can get a alligator to let go.

Is a cayman an alligator or a reptile?

Both ! It is a member of the Alligator family - which is part of the Reptiles group.

How do you make alligator?

Two alligators have sex. The girl alligator then lays eggs, and they hatch out little baby alligators. You can't be a part of making an alligator unless you are an alligator.