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Demolish is a verb.

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Q: What part of speech is demolish?
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What part of speech is demolished?

Demolished is a verb (past tense of demolish) and an adjective (a demolished building).

What is the Romanian word for demolish?

demolish = a demola

Is prepare the opposite of demolish?

'Prepare' is not the opposite of 'demolish'; 'build' or 'construct' are two words that are opposites of 'demolish'.

What is a homonym for demolish?

A homonym is a word that sounds identical to another word in speech, but has a different meaning. For example, "two" and "too". One is a number, the other means "also". (This example is specifically a "homophone", but there is another kind of homonym called a "homograph", where the word looks the same but is not necessarily pronounced the same and means differently.) "Demolish" only has one meaning/word/sound. It doesn't have a homonym.

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part of speech

What is the part of speech of momentous?

The part of speech for this particular word is a noun.

Can you give me a sentence for demolish?

The man had to demolish the car in thirty seconds.

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What is another word for demolish that begins with the letter l?

demolish=level (for a building)

How much does it cost to demolish a house?

it will cost exactly $10,000 to demolish a house