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slash (/)

Examples : 3/4, 2/7

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Q: What punctuation mark is used when writing a fraction in a sentence?
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What punctuation mark is used when writing a fraction in words?

There is no specific punctuation, you just write it as part of your sentence. "I need half a litre" "I used three quarters/seven eighths/eighteen twenty-sixths or that bottle" or whichever fraction you want to use, I'm not sure if this answers your question, but that's the understanding I got from it.

What is the punctuation at the end of a sentence called?

The different punctuation at the end of a sentence are mostly period ("."), Question mark ("?"), Exclamation mark ("!").

What does a punctuation mark mean after a sentence?

Punctuation at the end of a sentence indicates a complete thought.

What punctuation does an interrogative sentence end with?

If you are posing a question, use a question mark (?) for punctuation.

What punctuation mark indicates a more definite break in the flow of a sentence?

A dash is the punctuation mark that indicates the most definite break in the flow of a sentence.

What punctuation mark is placed at the end of a declarative sentence?

A period (.) is placed at the end of a declarative sentence.

What is question mark?

A question mark is a punctuation mark used to end an interrogatory sentence.

What punctuation mark is placed after a declarative sentence?


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Where does an end mark in punctuation go?

At the end of a sentence.

What punctuation mark is used in the sentence the sun is?


What are lozenges used for as a punctuation mark?

Lozenges, also known as diamonds or rhombuses, are used in some specialized areas of linguistics and phonetics to indicate vocal quality, pitch, or tone in transcriptions of speech. They can represent nasalization, denasality, creaky voice, or other phonetic features.