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A thesaurus lists words that have either similar or opposite meanings (synonyms and antonyms).

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Q: What reference tool is used to find words that have a similar meaning?
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What is the reference that contains words with similar meanings?

A thesaurus is a reference that contains words with similar meanings, also known as synonyms. It can be used to find alternative words to improve variety and clarity in writing.

What is a research tool that provides words with similar meanings?

A research tool that provides words with similar meanings is a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference book or online resource that lists words and their synonyms, helping researchers to find alternative words that convey similar meanings.

Where would one find the meaning of creches?

The meaning of Creches can be found in a Dictionary. It can also be found similar words in a Thesaurus and if you are lucky, you can find it in an Encyclopedia.

Words that are different but have the same meaning are found in what book?

A thesaurus is a book that contains words that are different but have the same meaning. It is a reference book that helps users find synonyms for words that they are looking to use in their writing.

What reference source can you use to find a synonym?

A thesaurus is a useful reference source for finding synonyms. It provides a list of words with similar meanings to the word you are looking up.

A thesaures differs from a dictionary because a thesaures?

A thesaurus is a reference tool that provides synonyms and antonyms for words, whereas a dictionary provides definitions, pronunciation, and sometimes usage examples for words. Thesauruses help writers find alternative words with similar meanings to enhance their writing, while dictionaries help users understand the meaning and usage of words.

What is the book that you use to find different words with same meanings for one word?

A thesaurus is a reference book that provides synonyms (words with similar meanings) for a given word. It helps you to expand your vocabulary and find alternative terms to express yourself more effectively.

Where can one find the meaning of the word 'fitful'?

The meaning of "fitful" is something having a spasmodic character, or something recurring irregularly. Words with a similar meaning to the word include broken, disturbed, erratic, etc.

What reference would you use to find the meaning of “etiquette”?

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What is the biblical meaning of the name Tiebel?

I could find no reference to the name "Tiebel". The Hebrew word "tebel" is one of five words used to signify earth or world....

A dictionary contaning sets of words such as synonyms?

A thesaurus is a reference book that groups words with similar meanings, providing synonyms for a given word. It helps users find alternative words to express a specific idea or concept.

Find a word similar in meaning to contemplate?

Contemplate means to think, meditate, or ponder about something. Synonyms (similar words) would be consider, observe, survey, examine, scrutinize, inspect, or study.