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Q: What root means fault or blame?
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Which Latin root means 'fault'?

The Latin root culp- means 'fault'. One derivative is the noun 'culpa', which means 'blame, fault'. Another derivative is the infinitive 'culpare', which means 'to accuse, blame, disapprove, find fault with'. Yet another derivative is the infinitive 'culpitare', which means 'to blame severely'.

What is the meaning of the latin root culpa?


What latin root means blame?


What does culp mean?

"Culp" is not a word in English. It could be a misspelling or abbreviation for "culpable," meaning deserving blame or censure for a fault or wrongdoing.

What does mia cuppa mean?

Mia Culpa means "my fault" or "I'm to blame"

What is the antonym of 'mea culpa'?

The English equivalent of the Latin phrase 'mea culpa' is 'my blame' or 'my fault'. The opposite is a lack of blame, or fault, which is innocence. And the corresponding antonym in Latin therefore is mea innocentia, which means 'my innocence'.

Which Latin roots involve someone being blamed?

The Latin root "culpa" refers to "fault" or "blame." Another related root is "peccare," which means "to sin" or "to be at fault." These roots are used in various words like "culpable" and "peccadillo" to convey the idea of blame or fault.

How do you use fault in a sentence?

Fault can be used in the sentence as follows. I tried to blame my sister for the mess, but my mom knew it was my fault.

Opposite word for blame?

The official definition for the word blame is "assign responsibility for a fault or wrong."

What is the difference between fault and blame?

Fault is technical. Blame is culpability. If I accidental commit a crime (such as fail to scan 3 items at the store check out and only scan 2) I am technically stealing, and at fault. But I'm not to blame, it was an accident. Not sure if the law makes a legal differential often though.

What does exculpate mean?

"Exculpate" means to show or prove that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing or to clear someone from blame or responsibility.

What are three synonyms for guilt?

blame, fault, misbehavior, offense