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This is a compound sentence. The sentence consists of two independent clauses. "Her brother was a teacher" is one independent clause. "Her sister was a psychiatrist" is another independent clause. However, they need to be connected by a COMMA and a coordinating conjunction. The sentence should be written, "Her brother was a teacher, and her sister was a psychiatrist." When joining two very short clauses like these, commas are often omitted by Standard English users, but to avoid confusion the comma should be used.

A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences joined by a conjunction.

Example : (2 simple) The dragon roared at the guests. It was just a very elaborate machine

Example : (1 compund) The dragon roared at the guests, but it was just a very elaborate machine.

A compound sentence is a sentence containing two or more simple sentences using conjunctions such as and or but.

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Q: What sentence structure is this sentence A simple B compound C complex D compound-complex Her brother was a teacher and her sister was a psychiatrist?
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Her brother was the teacher and her sister was the psychiatrist is this sentence a simple compound complex or compound-complex?

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