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The word 'cacti' is a common, concrete noun; the plural form of the noun cactus; a word for a type of flowering plant native to the dry regions of the Americas; a word for a thing.

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Q: What type of noun is cacti?
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Related questions

What is the singular or plural noun for cacti?

Cacti is plural. Cactus is singular.

Is it cactuses or cacti?

cactus for a single plant cacti for plural

What is the plural of the word catcus?

The plural form for the singular noun cactus is cacti.

What is the singular noun of cacti?

Cactus is the singular form.

Is cactiโ€™s plural possessive or singular?

Possessive noun.

What is the singular possessive form of cactus?

There are two accepted forms for possessive singular nouns ending in s:Add an apostrophe (') after the existing s at the end of the word: cactus'Add an apostrophe s ('s) after the existing s at the end of the word: cactus'sExamples:The night blooming cactus' name is Queen of the Night.The night blooming cactus's name is Queen of the Night.

Are cacti dicots?

Yes, cacti are dicots. Dicots are a type of flowering plant that have two seed leaves, whereas monocots have one seed leaf. Cacti belong to the class Magnoliopsida, which includes dicots.

Do cacti of the same type look the same?

You could suppose that cacti of the same type look similar. They will have the same color patterns and spines, but will most likely be shaped differently.

What type of living thing exist in the desert?

scorpions cacti

Do cacti have milk?

No cacti store water, not milk. A genus of succulent called Euphorbia leak a milky latex when damaged, they look like cacti but are not. This is probably what you are thinking of. The latex produced by plants in the genus Euphorbia is a skin irritant and can cause temporary blindness. They are common in cacti collections, and are often sold as cacti.

What does cacti mean?

"Cacti" is the plural form of "cactus," which refers to a type of plant known for its thick, fleshy stems and spines. Cacti are adapted to arid environments and are able to store water in their stems to survive in dry conditions.

What type of plants grow in arid soil?

Many types of Cacti.