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Q: What type of question requires you to write your own answer?
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This question requires your own thinking and your own opinion. Different people may have conflicting answers.

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This is an entirely personal question. It requires YOUR OWN expirience and knowledge.

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You just type in your question and you have to sign in and put your email.

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In exactly the same way as it appears at the end of your own question!

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Yes, in the National Industrial Recovery act, each type of industry was asked to write its own rules to control.

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Yes, you basically answered your own question there.

In the national industrial recovery act each type of industry was asked to write its own rules to control what?

Yes, in the National Industrial Recovery act, each type of industry was asked to write its own rules to control.

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The question is a bit of an oxymoron. In order to be an alien you have to be in a country other than your own -- which requires some form of transportation.

How do you write your own question on this site?

Well, you just did! You ask a question and if somebody hasn't already asked it, you can click create question. Like I did one on how to become deaf on purpose.

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All internet service requires some sort of modem. Whether it is at one's own home or in a public place such as a Starbucks there must be a modem for there to be internet.