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the root word is intro

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Introduction, introduce

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Q: What words include the root word intro?
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What does the root word intro mean?

to be in the front of or beginning of

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Words containing a root that means time include "temporary" and "contemporaneous." Words containing a root that means chronic include "chronic" itself and "chronicle." Words containing a root that means congenital include "congenital" and "congenitality." Words containing a root that means incorrigible include "incorrigible" and "incorrigibility." Finally, words containing a root that means notorious include "notorious" and "notoriety."

What is the definition of the root word intro?

The root word "intro" means "within" or "inside". It is commonly used in English to refer to something that is internal or introductory.

What is a word that contains the root word pair?

The words based on "pair" include pairings, and paired.(the word "repair" is actually from a different root, parare, to put in order)

What are some words with the root word con?

Words include contemporary, converge, constrict, convene, conjoin, congregation,

Words with the root word eth?

The Greek root "eth" means "habit" or "moral." Some examples include: ethic ethical

What is the root word of introspection?

intro means within. It actually comes originally from Latin "In" + "trans" meaning across. It is different from "inter" which means between.