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He walked among the prisoners like a gardener might walk among his plants.

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Q: When Pip was with Mr Wemmick at Newgate Prison what did he notice about him?
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What place did wemmick take pip in Great Expectations?

I think the answer to your question is Newgate Prison. However, Wemmick also takes Pip to the Church where Wemmick gets married.

Where did mr.wemmick take pip?

Mr. Wemmick took Pip to visit Newgate Prison as part of their outing together. It was one of the places on Pip's list of London sights to see.

When Pip is invited to Mr. Jaggers home who does Wemmick want Pip to notice?

Wemmick wants Pip to notice the hand of the housekeeper, Molly, and how she and Mr. Jaggers share similarities in their hands. This connection hints at a deeper relationship between Mr. Jaggers and Molly.

How did Helbert and Startop know where to find pip?

Herbert and Startop found out Pip's location from Jaggers, Pip's lawyer. Jaggers informed them that Pip was in the marshes at the Newgate Prison ship.

Who does Mr. Wemmick want Pip to notice?

He walked among the prisoners like a gardener might walk among his plants.

How does Pip's visit to Newgate Prison affect his mood?

Pip is overcome with fear and despair after his visit to Newgate Prison, feeling overwhelmed by the harsh realities of the criminal justice system and the fate that could await him if he were to be caught for his role in helping Magwitch. The experience leaves him feeling conflicted about his own actions and the potential consequences he may face.

Why does Wemmick enter the church with Pip?

Wemmick enters the church with Pip as a show of support and solidarity during Pip's emotional moment of realizing the truth about his expectations and his feelings towards Estella. Wemmick recognizes Pip's vulnerability and chooses to stand by him in this moment of self-reflection and growth.

After Pip's visit with Mr. Wemmick and as they were returning to Little Britain what did Pip observe about Mr. Wemmick?

The closer they got to the office, the more tight lipped he became.

Where did Pip go after he received the note from Wemmick?

Pip went to meet Mr. Jaggers at his office after receiving the note from Wemmick.

Who gave Magwitch Pip's address?

Magwitch gave Pip's address to Jaggers, his lawyer, because he wanted to ensure that Pip received financial support without revealing his identity as Pip's benefactor. Magwitch did not want Pip to know that he was the source of his newfound wealth.

What positions did Pip fulfill at Mr Wemmick's wedding?

At Mr. Wemmick's wedding, Pip served as the best man. He also acted as a witness during the ceremony.

After Wemmick left for work where did Pip go?

After Wemmick left for work, Pip went to visit Miss Havisham at Satis House to see Estella.