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Q: When is Jefferson called a hog in lesson before dying?
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Why was Jefferson called a hog in the book called A Lesson Before Dying?

In the book "A Lesson Before Dying," Jefferson is called a hog by the defense lawyer to dehumanize him and argue that he is not capable of understanding the crime he is accused of. This dehumanization is a strategy to lessen his culpability and to sway the jury. Ultimately, this dehumanizing language highlights the racial biases and injustices prevalent in the legal system at the time.

In "Lesson Before Dying" what 6 jobs did Jefferson have?

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What chapter does grant give Jefferson the notebook is a lesson before dying?

Grant gives Jefferson the notebook in Chapter 28 of "A Lesson Before Dying". This moment symbolizes Grant helping Jefferson find his voice and humanity through writing.

A Lesson Before Dying - Why did Jefferson steal the money?

In "A Lesson Before Dying," Jefferson steals the money because he is influenced by his friend Brother and wants to impress him. Additionally, Jefferson is grappling with feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness due to the discrimination he faces in society, leading him to act impulsively.

In the novel a lesson before dying When was Jefferson death date?

Jefferson's death date is not explicitly mentioned in the novel "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines. The story concludes with his execution, but the specific date is left ambiguous.

Who is the antagonist in a lesson before dying?

The antagonist in A Lesson Before Dying is the racist southern system. It is represented by the district attorney, the prosecutor, as well as the employees at the jail where Jefferson is detained.

Does Jefferson die in a lesson before dying by ernest gaines?

Yes, he does. He is put to death by an electric chair.

What day is the trial in the book a lesson before dying?

The trial in the book "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines takes place on the day of Jefferson's sentencing. He is falsely accused of murder and is sentenced to death by electrocution.

When was A Lesson Before Dying created?

A Lesson Before Dying was created in 1993.

A Lesson Before Dying what is the verdict?

In "A Lesson Before Dying" by Ernest J. Gaines, the protagonist, Jefferson, who is wrongly accused of murder, is sentenced to death by electrocution. The verdict is guilty. Throughout the novel, Jefferson learns about dignity, self-worth, and heroism despite his unjust conviction.

What is the major conflict in A Lesson Before Dying?

The major conflict in "A Lesson Before Dying" is between Jefferson, a young black man wrongly accused of murder, and the racism and prejudice of society that dehumanizes him. It is a struggle for Jefferson to find his self-worth and dignity in the face of a system designed to oppress him.

Who is Jefferson in the book A Lesson Before Dying?

Jefferson is the African American accused of killing the store owner and senteced to the death penalty.(He didnt really do it.)