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Q: Where did the phrase reflected light from venus off swamp gas come from?
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How does Venus's generate light?

Venus itself doesn't generate much visible light. There may be some electrical activity in its atmosphere that generates some light, but it's minimal. The light we see from Venus is mostly reflected light from the sun.

Why venus is not a source of light but pissible to see in the night sky?

Venus is visible in the night-sky for the same reason we see the moon - Sunlight is reflected off the surface.

Which is the brightest planet?

None of the planets in the Solar system radiate their own light, so they are all as bright (luminous) as each other, which is, not at all. Any light we see from planets is reflected light that came from the Sun (as opposed to stars who generate their own light). the planet with the greatest apparent magnitude (that is, how bright the body appears to an observer on the earth looking up at the sky) is Venus.

Why does venus have an apparent magnitude greater than a star?

Although it does not emit its own light like a star, the planet Venus is very close to Earth compared to the stars. This means that the light reflected off its surface from the sun makes it brighter than the distant stars.

How do Venus' clouds make Venus look brighter?

Sun rays are more easily reflected on clouds than earth.

What gives the clouds of Venus a slightly yellow color?

The clouds contain sulfuric acid, and it believed that this absorbs some of the blue light, so what is reflected back looks yellow.

As the amount of sunlight you see reflected increases what does it increase?

This is a question where the meaning isn't totally clear. Perhaps it's a reference to "albedo". Albedo is a measure of the fraction of light reflected by planets, etc. The more sunlight that is reflected, the higher is the object's albedo. For example, the brilliant planet Venus has a very high albedo.

How does the Venus Flytrap get light?

The Venus Flytrap gets light from the sun (photosynthesis).

What is a good catch phrase for venus?

'Venus..........You Will Love It' Because Venus is the Goddess of Love so this makes sense.

How far is Venus from the sun in light minutes?

13, Venus is 13 light minutes from the sun

If Venus is 6.0 light-minutes from the sun what is Venus's distance from the sun in astronomical units?

If venus is 6.o light minutes from the sun what is Venus distance from the sun i astronomical units?

How can you see mars when it doesn't give out light?

You see Mars the same way you see the other planets such as Jupiter or Venus; the same way that you see ANYTHING. Light from the Sun shines on all the planets just as it does on Earth, and the reflected light from Mars comes back to your eye here on Earth.