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It Varies.....its not certain and it changes places. I found it at the Lighthouse while my friend found it at Stellar Salon.

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Q: Where is the lucky four leafed clover on the spring time on fantage?
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What is a four leave clover?

In Irish tradition, a three leaf clover, a Shamrock supposedly represents the Holy Trinity - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. If a four leaf clover is found, then the fourth leaf is considered to bring God's Grace.

What does a black four leaf clover mean?

It is said to represent the Trinity (God, the Son and the Holy Spirit) and was used by St. Patrick to explain Christianity to the pagan Irish according to legend. It has also been used to represent the three-fold goddess Brigid as well as other three-fold deities and the Holy Family (Joseph, Mary and Jesus)

What happens if you find a four leaf clover?

Because most clover have only three leaves not four, so it takes a bit of luck to find a four leaf bit of clover in a field. The Irish have a tradition that says if someone finds one by accident they will have good luck. Only 1 in 10,000 have 4 leaves. They stand for: Faith, Hope, Love, and Luck. When Eve left the Garden of Eden, some people say she was holding a four-leaf clover. The green hills of Ireland have more four-leaf clovers than anywhere else, or so the Irish say. From that comes the saying, "luck of the Irish." St. Patrick used a shamrock (one that has three leaves) to represent the holy trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Some Christians see the four-leaf clover as a resemblance to the cross and some also say that the fourth leaf is the grace of God. The Irish believe that finding a four-leaf clover is LUCKY but finding one with 5 or more is UNLUCKY. Druids believed that when they carried a shamrock that they could see evil spirits coming so they could get away before they came and they thought that four-leaf clovers guarded against bad luck and offered magical protection.

What is another word for three times lucky?

you can try unimaginably lucky or unbelievably lucky? or even extraordinarily lucky XP

What is the Lucky Chance?

The lucky chance is an get to win it!

Related questions

What is a four leafed versions of these are considered lucky?

Four leafed clover is considered to be lucky.

What plant has four leaves thts considered lucky?

A four leafed clover is considered lucky.

What Does A Five Leafed Clover Mean?

It's more rare than the 4-leafed clover, of course, but not as lucky I assume. You can make up your own rules; it's not like it makes any difference.

Are four leaf clovers lucky?

Yes, finding a four leafed clover is said to be good luck.

Why is a Four-Leafed clover seen as lucky?

Steve Colbert was quoted on March 17th, 2010, "That the shamrock represent the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit "That is why the Four Leaf Clover is so Lucky … You Get a Bonus Jesus"

How did the four leaf clover become lucky?

The four leaf clover became lucky a long time ago in ancient Ireland. First off four leaf clovers are rare so if someonefound one it was a sign of good luck. That is how the four leaf clover became so lucky!

Why are there four leaflets on a four-leafed-clover?

Steve Colbert was quoted on March 17th, 2010, "That the shamrock represent the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit "That is why the Four Leaf Clover is so Lucky … You Get a Bonus Jesus"

Is it true clovers give people good luck?

Finding a four leafed clover is said to give you luck, although it is a superstition. It is nice to believe in being a lucky person!

What does the shamrock signify on the day of Saint Patrick's Day?

St. Patrick was a missionary to Ireland in the 5th century. He was attempting to convert the Celts away from paganism. A basic principle of paganism is that there are may gods or spirits. St. Patrick tried to explain that all of the gods that the pagans were worshiping were actually just the "One True God" in "Holy Trinity." He used the 3-leafed clover or shamrock to illustrate the Trinity. Interestingly, St. Patrick was using a similar argument that Apostle Paul used in Athens, where Greek polytheists had erected an alter to the "unknown god." The popularization of the lucky 4-leafed clover is a rather modern myth. Since 3-leafed clover is common, a 4-leafed sprig is rare and considered lucky but is not generally associated with St. Patrick's Day or Ireland specifically.

What is lucky four or three leaf clover?

The 4 leaf clover is lucky because there a lot of people got lucky in 4 leaf clover.

Are you considered lucky if you are born on St. Patrick's Day?

Acoording to superstition, clover leaf, especially the four-leafed clover, bring good luck to those who find it accidentially

What is the difference between a shamrock and a four-leaf clover?

The four-leaf clover is often confused with the shamrock. While the four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck, the three-leafed shamrock is mainly an Irish Christian symbol of the Holy Trinity and has a different significance.