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Q: Which globally recognized call for help is the same when read forwards backwards and upside down?
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What is spelled the same backwards forwards and upside down?

DEED. Some people think NOON but the N's would be backwards.

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The only letters that are the same when upside down are H, I, O, S and Z.And if it reads the same backwards as forwards, then the first and last letters must be the same, and the 2nd and 3rd letters must be the same.HIIHHOOHIOOISOOSZOOZOHHOOSSOOZZOIHHINo, I can't think of any!the answer is NOON...

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I can think of one: NOON. It is spelled the same way forwards and backwards. If it is capital, it is also spelled the same way upside down.areaariabarbbulbdeaddieddeedeasehashhushlullpeeprearsasstinttoottorttouttrot

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