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A spectator attends a match.

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Q: Which is correct assist a match or attend a match?
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Why gayle not attend yesterday match and gayle play next match?

Gayle did not attend yesterday's match because he was committed elsewhere.

How do you spell attend in spanish?

attend is asistir; assist is atender

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No, you don't need a parent to attend an AFL football match.

Which is correct assist in or assist with?

Both "assist in" and "assist with" are correct, but they may be used in slightly different contexts. "Assist in" is often used to show involvement in a process or action, while "assist with" is commonly used to indicate specific tasks or actions that are being helped with. For example, "I will assist in the project" (helping to carry out the project) vs. "I will assist with the presentation" (helping with a specific aspect of the presentation).

Is it correct to say assist to?

It is not correct to say "assist to". You would use this: I can assist you with your homework. The word assist would need to have a subject since it is a verb. The word 'to' is not a subject.

Is it correct to say might success attend you correct?

correct !

Which is correct You are welcomed to attend the conference or You are welcome to attend the conference?

You are welcome to attend the conference.

What is the correct match?

well it depends what you mean by what is the correct "match" because if you explained what the match was it might be a lot easier to answer. sincerely Elmo the 2nd of Austin,Texas

Can an illegal alien attend Princeton University?

No it is not correct for a illegal alien to attend Princeton University. But can they? Whether its correct or not is matter of opinion.

Why may a football match report be useful for someone who could not attend the match?

This may be useful for someone who could not attend the game because then they could see what they missed from not watching the game

Which is correct grammar - all who attend or all that attend?

Either form is acceptable.

What is the correct statment of yesterday's watch match you did.?

"Did you watch yesterday's match?"