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I have heard from a very smart friend that the correct term is "empathic." "Empathetic," according to him is the "bastardized" version of "empathic."

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Q: Which is correct empathic or empathetic?
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What is empathic?

"Empathic" or "empathetic" means that you are sensitive to the feelings/emotions of another person without actually feeling them yourself.

What to write about empathetic?

Empathetic can be defined as showing empathy or ready comprehension of other states, wellbeing. Some synonyms are commiserative, compassionate, sympathetic, empathic, humane and understanding.

As people pogress through adulthood women become what?

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What 20 words describe Helen Keller that starts with e?

Empathetic, extraordinary, educated, eloquent, empowered, empathic, enthusiastic, enduring, engaging, energetic, empathetic, expert, eloquent, eager, exceptional, enlightened, eager, enthusiastic, empowered.

How do you write a paragraph using empathic order?

To ensure that your audience ends doing or taking from your wrting exactly what you wanted them to. Ex-Marine Justine Masterson says, "Build them up to the moment...then they drink the koo-aide."

What are the common feelings that empathic distress can lead to?

Empathetic distress can lead to argumentative behavior, and emotional pain. It can also cause issues and is known to be closely related to those having mental issues like Bipolar, or personality disorders.

Do empathic and empathetic mean the same thing?

No. To be empathetic means to be a compassionate and understanding person. You usually like to help people, and understand what they're going through. To put yourself in someone else's shoes, so to speak. Being an empath means that you can actually FEEl what the other person is feeling, and believe me, I'm an empath, and it's not fun. I hope this helps, Ciara

When was The Empathic Civilization created?

The Empathic Civilization was created in 2010.

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The Empathic Civilization has 674 pages.

What is a empathic verb?

An empathic verb is a verb that shows additional emphasis or emotion by repeating or modifying the pronoun in a sentence. For example, in English, you might say, "I myself will take care of it" where "myself" is the empathic form of "I."

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Which is the proper way to use the term empathetic. Professor Brown was empathetic to the concerns of her science class. The governor was not empathetic with the tenants and their predicament.?

The correct use of "empathetic" is to convey understanding and compassion towards others' thoughts and feelings. In the first sentence, Professor Brown showed empathy towards her science class, while in the second sentence, the governor lacked empathy towards the tenants and their situation.