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The word you are looking for is probably "embargo."

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Q: Which term refers to one nation or group of nations isolating another nation by stopping trade?
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A nation governed by another nation on behalf of the league of nations?

A League of Nations Mandate was what they called it when one area was put under the direction of another for the purposes of the League of Nations

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On what flags of three nations does a sword appear?

One nation is Saudi Arabia, another nation is Sri Lanka, not sure about nation 3, or if there is a 3rd.

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What is the plural form of nation?

The plural form of "nation" is "nations."

Why do countries imperialize?

Most nations imperialize or colonize in order to gain the resources of the other nation. Usually, one nation will not colonize another if that nation will fight against it.

What is a nation that rules several other nations?

A nation that rules over other nations, known as a dominant or conquering nation, is the founder of an empire of nations.

How is Civil War different to world war?

Civil war is when one part of a nation fights another part of the same nation. World war is when several nations are fighting several other nations simultaneously.

Who would a foreign nation borrow money from to build a new port?

From another nation or nations, international banks and organisations such as the International Monetary Fund.

Which nation did the Reagan administration opposed punishing and isolating in 1985?

D) South Africa... Plato >.<

What African nations have produced Olympic champions?

Ethiopia is one African nation that has produced Olympic champions. Also, Morocco is another African nation that has produced Olympic champions.

Should the US intervene in another nation's struggle for democracy?

no because itcan cause us to have lots of problems with other nations also it can cuz us as the united states to begin conflict with other nations. What their nation has to deal with should be none of our buisness