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he is handicap and has polieo

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Q: Who is martin in the book the acorn people?
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Related questions

What problem does Benny B have in the book The Acorn People?

he has no legs

Where is Camp wiggin from the book the acorn people?

Camp Wiggin is a fictional camp located in California in the book "The Acorn People" by Ron Jones. It is a camp for disabled children where the author worked as a counselor and shared his experiences in the book.

When was The Acorn People created?

The Acorn People was created in 1976.

What does martin from The Acorn People look like?

He was as my daughter would say a ginger (redhead) with a perpetual bad hair day who was 14. Tall and slender. Probably wore dark sunglasses... in late &)'s they would be Aviators. page 12 in the book

What is the climax of the acorn people?

Conflict in the Acorn people arises in various instances. In most cases, it is as a result of disagreement between the characters. This is a book about disabled children.

Who is the antagonist in the acorn people?

The antagonist in "The Acorn People" is not a single individual but rather the society that faces and discriminates against children with disabilities. The main conflict in the book revolves around the struggles these children face in terms of social acceptance and inclusion.

How old are the kids in the acorn people?

The kids in The Acorn People are anywhere from 14-16. Hope I helped.

What does this quote mean - some people look at an acorn and they see a plain acorn?

It can mean that some people "do not see the potential". The potential from an acorn is a giant oak tree.

Why did spider call the group the Acorn People?

Spider as well as the other campers at Ron Jones camp called themselves the acorn people because they made acorn necklesses for everyone at the camp.

How many dead people did acorn write votes for obama?

There's no evidence that ACORN generated any votes from dead people.

Who is ron Jones in the acorn people?

In the book "The Acorn People" by Ron Jones, Ron Jones is the author and main protagonist who recounts his experiences working as a counselor for children with disabilities at a summer camp. He shares the challenges and triumphs of the campers, as well as the impact they had on his life.

Is there a movie called the acorn people?

Of course!