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Q: Who is the main character in journal of a teenage genius?
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Why did Eoin Colfer make the main character so young?

It just makes the idea of him being a genius more cool, and makes it more interesting in the later books when he is dealing with teenage problems.

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Odysseus... main character of The Odyssey.

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Who was a main character in journal of the plague year?

The main character is a inhabitant of London who's name is not mentioned in the book. He is a male 20-30 years of age and is a writer by profession.

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The first teenage girl to be a famous (book character) detective.

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No, Patrick is not the main character in the book "Flight #116 Is Down." The main character is Heidi, a teenage volunteer at a hospital who finds herself involved in the aftermath of a plane crash.

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The main character in "Hunting for Hidden Gold" is Frank Hardy, one of the teenage detective brothers in the Hardy Boys series written by Franklin W. Dixon.

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The main character in the book "Fearless" is Gaia Moore, a teenage girl who becomes involved in dangerous and thrilling adventures as she navigates her unique ability to feel no fear.

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The main character in the Pendragon series is Bobby Pendragon. He is a young teenage boy chosen to be a Traveler, tasked with traveling to different worlds to prevent the destruction of Halla, the universe.

What is the significance of the journal-entry form of the narrative Flowers for Algernon?

The journal entry form in that book is signifigant because it both follows and relates the progress and regress of the main character.

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The main character in "Millicent Min, Girl Genius" by Lisa Yee is Millicent Min, a precocious 11-year-old girl who struggles with social interactions while excelling academically beyond her peers.

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The main character in "The Voyage of the Frog" by Gary Paulsen is David Alspeth, a teenage boy who embarks on a solo sailing journey. The other main character is Frog, the small sailboat that David takes on his adventure.