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It depends on the sentence but in general, it is usually the subject that does the action.


The red cat lounged on the warm patio.

The red cat (subject) does the action (lounged)

Sometimes, however, the actual "subject" in a sentence is hidden (like when it is written in passive voice).


The revisions were completed.

The subject of this sentence, grammatically, is "revisions" so you could say that the revisions did the action (were completed).

You could add onto that sentence and make it clearer, however.


The revisions were completed by unknown bystanders.

In this sentence, even though "revisions" is still grammatically the subject, you could say that "unknown bystanders," which is the direct object, does the action in the sentence.

Really, if you are reading a sentence and you are unsure of who or what is doing the action in the sentence, just ask yourself "who?"


The red cat lounged on the warm patio. (who lounged? the red cat)

The revisions were completed by unknown bystanders. (who revised? unknown bystanders)

The revisions were completed. (what was completed? the revisions)

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The action in a sentence is a verb.

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Q: Who or what does the action or being in a sentence?
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