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Since the first man began talking people have been swearing. Words change with culture, slang, time, and place.

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Related questions

Where did swearing start?

Nobody knows for sure where swearing started. Swear words originated and evolved to give people a way to vent strong feelings, and these words have been with us ever since.

Is arsed swearing?

if your a sissy then its swearing if not its not swearing!

Why swearing is not allowed on Roblox?

Because there are kids playing Roblox and the moderators don't want you to started swearing at them. If you swear at them, the kids would likely use profanity at home or school that they might curse around and causing huge troubles.

Why is swearing a problem?

because everybody will start swearing

How much swearing does battlefield 3 have?

It has ALOT of swearing.

Is saying BLOODY swearing?

no its used insted of swearing

Is saying bleeding swearing?

No. It is used instead of swearing.

Can you turn off swearing in MW3?

No you can not Turn off swearing in MW3. Swearing is a part of all Call Of Duties and Trearch or Infinity Ward will not turn swearing off.

My husband was watching tv bloopers and while he was watching there were moments of swearing that I found very offensive I attacked him and I started a fight did I go to far?

Answer I can understand you being upset about the swearing I would be too! but physically attacking another person is not good at all. If you have these angry outburst often or feelings like you want to you should talk to a therapist about it. Also, talk to your husband about the swearing.

What Dr Dre songs dont have swearing in?

The message has no swearing

Is there swearing in iron man?

yes there is. pg-13 swearing.

Does knight and day have swearing?

Dose knight and day have swearing