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They build vocabulary, especially academic vocabulary for ELLs or low functioning students

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Q: Why are cognates so important to know about?
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Cognates are important because they?

share a common ancestry

Why is spanish so easy for you to learn?

Spanish is a phonetic language, so its is spelled the way it sounds. Also, if you already know English, there are plenty of cognates (words that sound the same).

How do you use cognate in a sentence?

The English word "brave" is a cognate of the Spanish word "valiente" because they share a similar origin.

Why are cognates useful?

there not -_______-

Are hemi and semi cognates?


What is the meaning in English of cognatos?

There is no direct translation of "cognatos" from Spanish to English. However, if you meant "cognates" instead, it refers to words in different languages that have a common etymological origin and similar meanings.

Why is latin language important?

Latin is an extremely important language because most of our English language comes from its cognates. For example, here are some Latin (with Latin meaning)/English cognates: madre (mom)/Mother padre/Father horto (garden)/horticulture ferox (ferocious)/ferocious pictor (painter)/picture etc., etc., etc.! Resources: I am a Latin 1 student.

Why is latin an important language?

Latin is important because it is the precursor of many modern languages, such as Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian. It is also the language of the Roman Empire, which had a significant influence on Western culture, politics, and law. Additionally, Latin is commonly used in scientific, legal, and religious contexts.

What do cognates help you do?

Cognates help speakers identify similarities and connections between different languages. They can assist in understanding the relationships between languages and aid in language learning and translation.

Why is it important to know nature?

I believe it is important to know nature so that you get to know your surroundings. I love you Nature! < Example

Why is it it important to know about hurricane sandy?

It is very important to know what Hurricane Sandy is so you will know the coincequences and how to protect yourself from them.

Why is it important to know about tropical cyclone?

It is important to know a tropical cyclone because you never know when you will have one and so you know what to do when the time comes.