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Because they want to sound "cool" so they say OMG.

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Q: Why do people say omg a lot?
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Say "OMG" or "MILKMAN"

Does omg stand for oh your gosh?

OMG is an abbriviation for Oh My Gosh or Oh My God somee people even sometimes say OMFG but that has a swear word

How can you get in the omg group?

just scream at the top of your lungs omg and if u r in say omg all the time

What is omg?

"OMG" is an abbreviation for "oh my gosh" or "oh my God". and you can say that if you want to.

Do the Jonas Brothers ever come to Hawaii?

well they havent yet but, some people say that they have seen Kevin at the Hilton in Waikoloa, Hawaii. OMG I LOVE THEM! well they havent yet but, some people say that they have seen Kevin at the Hilton in Waikoloa, Hawaii. OMG I LOVE THEM!

If English people say OMG do Spanish people say ADM or ay Dios mio?

Spanish speakers typically use "¡Dios mío!" or "¡Ay Dios mío!" as the equivalent of "OMG" in English. "ADM" is not a common expression in Spanish for this purpose.

What are some words and phrases that girls use a lot?

Oh, there is A LOT of things girls say. We tend to say "Omg guys guess what just happened"

How do you say omg in yugoslavian?


When can you be a omg girlz?

Sorry to say, but never .

How do you say meerkat in spanish?

Automata omg

What the most popular food in McDonald's?

The whole lot OMG.