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It's difficult for Liesel to love Rudy because, although he did always tease for a kiss, Liesel just saw him as a friend. When Liesel found Max at the "parade" and they got whipped, Liesel did want a kiss. But her desire could've caused many conflicting emotions she didn't want with Rudy. Therefore, that scene in the book explained that Liesel just wasn't ever ready to confirm that she loved Rudy.

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She is real only if you believe she is for the bombing was real so I believe its real for the world is a book, if you read you are sucked into an another world with people you know and love. - Alex A. R.

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The exposition in "The Book Thief" introduces the setting, characters, and basic situation of the story. It provides background information about the main character, Liesel, and her experiences growing up in Nazi Germany during World War II. Additionally, it sets the tone for the themes of loss, love, and the power of words that are explored throughout the novel.

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How would max define sin Book thief?

In "The Book Thief," Max is a Jewish man who seeks refuge with the Hubermann family during World War II. He forms a close bond with Liesel, the protagonist, and shares his love for storytelling and words with her. Max represents resilience, kindness, and the impact of friendship during times of adversity.

How does liesel and Rosa's relationship change over the course of the novel?

In the novel "The Book Thief," Liesel and Rosa's relationship transforms from one of distance and tension to one of mutual understanding and affection. Initially, Rosa is strict and distant while Liesel feels lonely and misunderstood. However, as the story progresses, they develop a deeper bond through shared experiences, showing care and love for each other in their own ways.

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Liesel was outraged at the mayor's wife because she saw her book burning during a Nazi rally, which went against Liesel's love for books and learning. Liesel couldn't understand why someone would destroy something so valuable to her.

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In "The Book Thief," loyalty is demonstrated through Liesel's friendships with Max, Rudy, and Hans, who show unwavering support and love for her. Betrayal is depicted through characters like Frau Hermann, who keeps secrets from Liesel, and Hans Hubermann, who harbors a Jewish man in secret, putting his family at risk. These themes illuminate the complexities of human relationships and the impact of choices made during challenging times.