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I'm assuming that you want to know when the letter "y" is a vowel.

It's mostly a matter of sound. The y in yellow is a consonant, because of the way it's pronounced ( and being followed by a vowel helps, too ). At the end of a word like baby, the y is used to make a separate syllable, so it's a vowel.

For more fun, try and figure out when a "w" is a vowel.

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What are vowels?

A E I O U Are the vowels And sometimes the letter Y is a vowel, such as my, any

What does sometimes Y mean?

In the traditional saying, "A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y", the letters refer to the vowels of the modern English alphabet.

What letters are vowles?

The letters A, E, I, O, and U are vowels in the English alphabet.

Is y a vowel in anyway?

yes because there is A,E,I,O,U, and sometimes Y

How is the letter y a consinent?

a e o u and SOMETIMES y. its in its own classification.

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The y variable! Sometimes called the dependent variable.

Why is y only a vowel sometimes?

Here's an explanation of Y as a consonant:

Does the word sphynx has a vowel in it?

The 'y' in sphynx is the vowel .... a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y.

Is the y in butterfly a vowel?

Yes. The vowels are a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y (and w!).

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sometimes The statement X billion is greater than Y million is sometimes true when the values of X and Y are greater than zero. It is only sometimes true because it is not true when the value of Y is more than 1,000 times greater than X, but it is true when the value of Y is less than 1,000 times greater than X.