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In actuality there is no correlation between height and voice due to human physiology. This because our larynxes are unique to the individual, akin to fingerprint.

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Q: Why is it the some people who are very big and very tall have small voice?
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Why tall people are better than small people?

I'm sorry everyone who is tall but tall people are no better small people! I am tall myself but it is proven 10% of small people have been uninjured so that means small people have a better balance because of their weight

Do you have too be tall to be a cowboy?

WELL NO. cow. tall and small and tall and small and fat and small and big and tall people have been cowboys.

Why are some people tall and others small?

strange p.s. I FORGOT ha! ha!

Are Irish people small?

Some Irish are small and some are tall. It cannot be said to be one way or another. They are not the tallest in the world, but they are not the smallest either.

Is there a relationship of your height and how intelligent you are?

Not at all. A height is just a genetic thing. Some small people are very clever and same goes for some tall people

Why are you so tall you are 6ft6 and only 16?

it just depends on your genes. If your parents are tall you will most likely be tall as well but it also depends on when you hit puberty - some people are small for a long time and suddenly shoot up and are very tall, yet some people are already tall and don't grow much more.

What do you call tall people with small feet?


Why other people are taller and others are shorter?

The genes, if two tall people have children, their children are liable to be tall as well, that is my guess. some times you will have one tall father and a short mother, but its just the luck of the draw, or perhaps our ancestors, if your ancestors were all really small, then there is a chance you will be quite small too. In the past, we were all very small, and as evolution, and time, has gone on, we are much taller than we were back then. that is why on some very old buildings the doors will have small arches.

Is there a patron saint for small people?

There is no patron saint of tall people.

How tall is Barbara Voice?

Barbara Voice is 163 cm.

How tall is Brienna Voice?

Brienna Voice is 5' 2".

How tall are most old people?

It all depends on their genetics. If their ansestours were tall, maybe they would be too, whereas if they were small, the porbability is that theyd be small.