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Yes , you can say hopefully, suffixes ful and ly

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Q: Words with more than one suffix in?
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What are two or more words that have the suffix or?

The -or implies the word will be a person. A couple words that use this are instructor and collector.

What are plural suffixes?

A suffix is an ending added to a word, like -ing added to ask in the word asking.A plural suffix is a suffix that turns a word into a plural (more than one). In English, the most common plural suffix is -s, as in cats, where the -s turns a singular cat into more than one.Another common plural suffix is -es, as in potatobecoming potatoes.

What are words with the suffix fully?

Gratefully- is one word with the suffix of fully.

What is the suffix 'one who'?

I think it is one, but I'm pretty sure that there is no suffix or that since it is two words.

What is a suffix word for SMIRK?

The suffix "-y" can be added to "smirk" to create the word "smirky." This suffix is used to describe someone who often wears a smirk on their face.

What is the prefix or suffix of multiplicity?

The prefix is multi which means many/more than one

What words use the prefix or suffix som?

There is no prefix som. It is a Latin root meaning sleep. Words such as somnabulist use more than one root.There is no suffix som. The suffix -some forms an adjective from a noun or verb, and means "causing or tending to cause" or "characterized by." In the case of numbers, it expresses a number in a group as a noun (e.g. threesome).

Can you have some suffixes?

Sure! Some common suffixes include -ly (happily), -ful (colorful), -er (bigger), and -ing (running).

What three letter words have more than one meaning?

More Than One MeaningSome three-letter words that have more than one meaning are: hitdogrun

What are words ending in the suffix -ism?

this is random but sour!

What word has a suffix and a prefix?

There are many words with both a suffix and a prefix. Here is one: unacceptable.

What words end in the suffix testable?

The suffix is "-able" (test is one of the root words). The common words are: contestable detestable incontestable intestable testable uncontestable