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You need a Black Market Item called Apollos Lyre. There you can edit the name of your horse and add images such as crowns, hearts and more.

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Q: How do you put a crown before the name on Howrse?
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To get braces but have a cavity and the tooth is decaying will they need to remove it put in a crown and put on your braces What is the process?

Your orthodontist and dentist should discuss this. usually they'll want you to get a crown after you get braces because crowns are man made and made to fit your bite before you have braces. so if you get the crown before the braces, after you straighten your teeth, your bite won't be right. They'll proabably have you do the build up on the tooth that needs the crown to make it stronger which is required before you actually get a crown. Then put braces on. And after you get your braces off then you'll get your crown.

How do you put a crown on your MySpace name?

just copy and paste: |VV|

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